
    Amazon Highlights

    Here are the highlights of the most searched and viewed products on the Amazon India website for every month. The key purpose of this highlight is that you can understand the performance of the products on the Amazon website if it has gained views and queries for the particular month.

    This highlight also gives you an idea about why a product or brand has gained much attention on an eCommerce platform. You can also compare one month’s data with others to get a detailed picture of how each product and brand is performing in the market. Thus helping you pick the product and brand that is chosen consistently by the customers.

    In light of the feedback we got for the earlier articles, we have now developed a new piece for October 2022 in a similar fashion. On Amazon’s most popular searched and viewed goods, we conducted research and put up a report. utilizing information from 222K+ queries and approximately 414K+ visits to product pages as of October 2022.

    Read: Amazon Highlights October | Products, And Queries That Are Most Viewed This Month

    Considering the response we received for the previous articles, we have now come up with another article in the same manner for September 2022. We made an analysis and compiled a report on the top searched and viewed items on Amazon.

    Read: Amazon Highlights September 2022 | Products And Queries That Are Most Viewed This Month

    August, 2022

    We made an analysis and compiled a report on the top sought items on for August 2022 using data points from over 714K+ product page visits and 462K+ inquiries. This article will provide you with an overview of the items and categories which have garnered the highest consumer favor. Let us go through them briefly here.

    Read: Amazon Highlights August 2022 | Most Searched And Popular Products And Queries In India

    July, 2022

    We at Couponswala generated a report on the top sought and viewed items on the Amazon India platform for July 2022 after analysing over 628K+ product page views and 632K+ inquiries (product searches). This page offers information on the top sought and viewed goods on the Amazon. in website.

    Read: Amazon Highlights July 2022 | A List Of The Trendiest & Most Searched For Products In India

    June, 2022

    After analyzing over 1M+ product page views and 611K+ queries (product searches), we compiled a report on the most searched and viewed products on the Amazon India platform, for June 2022. This article contains facts about the most searched and most viewed products on the website…

    May, 2022

    With data points of over 1M+ product page views and 110K queries, we have conducted an analysis and gathered a report on the most searched products on for May 2022. With this article, you can gain a view of the products and categories that have gained most of the preferences among the consumers. Let us look through them briefly here…

    April, 2022

    After analyzing over 1.7M+ product page views and 290K+ queries, we compiled a report on the most searched and viewed products on the Amazon India platform, for April 2022. In this article, we would like to present you with some facts about the most searched and the most viewed products on the website. We would like to thank…

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